Investigation services

Verify the identity
Verifying the identity of a person is collecting documents and evidence relevant to that person to clarify the client's request. The purpose of verification is to satisfy the customer's question about a person or a certain event.

Investigation fakes
Provide information and evidence in civil proceedings including the protection of intellectual property rights, copyrights, works, industrial property rights and technology transfer. Findings, provides information about fakes, counterfeit, shoddy

Internal theft investigation

Private detectives search
Search the news gathering activities of a person, an object is a reason for leaving current residence or deliberately evade. Search includes: Search missing relatives, lost elderly, children leave home, the debtor fled ...

Detectives from family
Many couples live very happy. However comes from the suspicion and growing slowly, no solutions, no evidence to prove, convince ... happy last hundred years has been broken can not be healed. Husband and wife relationship should be made transparent right from the question arises.