A senior employee of the U.S. Secret Service has committed suicide in Washington, while he is under investigation by the government of longtime relationship with a foreign citizen.

Secret Service accompany President Barack Obama. Artwork: AP
CBS News quoted law enforcement sources said Rafael Prieto, special standing in the presidential guard of the United States, on 27/10 was found dead in the car, in the garage in northwest Washington.
Prieto bodies of the other agents discovered after they could not contact him by phone. Washington Police are investigating the cause of his death, but a law enforcement source said may have been poisoned Prieto CO2 emissions from cars running in closed garages.
Prieto previously laid off work in the Secret Service until the results of the investigation, after reports that he has a longtime relationship with a foreign citizen without declaration in accordance with agency . AP quoted several unnamed sources, said understanding the problem Prieto, who has a wife and child, who had relations with a woman outside the flow from Mexico.
The incident was revealed in an internal investigation after a dozen Secret Service employees earlier this year alleged involvement with prostitutes in Columbia during a security mission, before the visit of the total Obama.
Guard approached the presidential task team made the most prestigious in the U.S. Secret Service. Prieto, assistant permanent agents (ASAC) is one of the main managers of this team. He has served for the U.S. Secret Service for 20 years.
No room Prieto Survey Professional Responsibility investigation, instead, is in an administrative procedure to determine the long-term relationship with a foreigner. "Information that Rafael Prieto was under investigation for alleged espionage or smuggling foreign information is incorrect," a law enforcement source said.