Japan will cooperate with the US to protect the peace at sea
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe supporting American destroyers to within 12 nautical miles of China's artificial island illegally built in Changsha, also vowed to cooperate to protect the peace at sea.

Karuma ship carrying Prime Minister Shinzo Abe led the fleet in an event.
"To protect the waters free, open and peaceful, we will cooperate with the international community, including the United States, our allies," Japan Times quoted Abe said yesterday in the capital of Kazakhstan.
Japanese Prime Minister also said that the actions of the US patrol on international law, while acting unilaterally change the status quo of China increased stress is a common concern of the international community.
Abe's statement was made after the US deployment Lassen move within 12 nautical miles of at least one of the artificial islands that China illegally constructed in the Spratly Islands of Vietnam. China announced two vessels it had monitored the ship Lassen.
The senior officials of Japan yesterday said Japan - America are exchanging information on the move and Tokyo will continue to closely monitor the situation before deciding on mode of action.
This is the first patrol of the United States within 12 nautical miles around the entities in Changsha, since China started the illegal deposition here late 2013. It quoted an unnamed US official said it would continue sending in more warships to China artificial islands, with time and location depending on the choice of Washington.
Under Article 121, the Convention on the Law of the Sea United Nations in 1982 (UNCLOS), the only natural island of human activity and economic activity are eligible territorial waters 12 nautical miles wide, where sovereign states can control the use and utilization of all resources. The expansion builds any entity that does not bring regulations for them under international law.
China claims sovereignty over a large area of the South China Sea, overlapping waters of neighboring countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines. Beijing was blatantly occupied the Spratly reefs in Vietnam and conducting illegal accretion of artificial islands.
Vietnam has repeatedly confirmed indisputable sovereignty with two Spratlys and Paracels Every act of construction, expansion abroad in the two islands without permission by the government of Vietnam are illegal and invalid.
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